Picture was taken at Macroom, Co.Cork (Irl)
The river Sullane flows under this bridge at Macroom. This bridge was built many hundreds of years ago when horse and trap was the main mode of transport. This bridge is the main link between Cork and Kerry and carries thousands of vehicles each day.
Thanks for all the feedback re the new look for the website. Already we have sat down with the web designers and all the changes re your feedback have been taken note of. One important change will be the colour. The black darkground will be changing to more softer colours. The changes will kick in on Friday 1st Feb and depending on progress maybe even a few days before this date. Thank you for taking the time to email your feedback. It is appreciated.
Thought For Today is below
‘The question when confronted with any form of darkness is, will we stay the course or run, or seek a quick fix?’ ~Martin Tierney
Yesterday was described as Blue Monday (Jan 21st). Apparently this day is the most depressing day of the year. Bad weather, a feeling of monotony after the Christmas, lots of bills to pay and broken New Years resolutions all add up to feeling miserable. The challenge of course is to focus in on the positives and the good news around us. Part of the Gospel challenge is to also face the darkness that we meet. There are some easy escape routes like alcohol, drugs and other addictions. These only delay the pain. When we realize that fragility, helplessness, sadness, and being lost are a part of life, we can cope so much better with any difficult day. Maybe today is our difficult day and the same might go for tomorrow. But facing any darkness first rather than running away from it, gives us the key to moving on to a much better day.