Photo was taken on one of the nature trails on the Dominican Organic Farm, Wicklow Town, (Irl)
If you leave a bit of wool or something really soft out in your garden at the moment the chances are high it will be gone next time you come back. Birds are busy building nests at the moment and will use any soft material to line the bottom and sides of the nest. The nest in our photo most likely is that of a chaffinch and as you can see it is a work of art.
Thought on Tuesday – May – 06/05/2008
‘There is an inherent good in most difficulties.’ ~Norman Peale
Many of the world’s finest oriental rugs come from the Far East. In many small villages it is a family tradition and all families will work under the direction of a master weaver. They will usually work from the underside of the rug to be. Sometimes it happens that a weaver absentmindedly makes a mistake and introduces a colour that is not according to the pattern. When this occurs the master weaver, instead of having the work pulled out in order to correct the colour sequence will always find a way to build the mistake into the overall pattern. It is a lesson we could all hold onto. We too can learn to take our unexpected difficulties and mistakes and weave them to our advantage into the greater pattern of our lives.