Photo was taken at Mount Usher Gardens, Ashford, Co.Wicklow. (Irl)

May is the month for bluebells. They form a beautiful purple carpet in many of our woods at this time of year. Our photo today was taken late in the evening when the sun was casting lovely low light into the woods. These woods are situated in Mount Usher Gardens which is laid out across 22 acres along the banks of the River Vartry.

Thought on Wednesday – May – 07/05/2008

‘Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.’ ~William James

There is nothing worse than aimlessly trying to get through each day. It is easy to drift and go with the flow. It is even easier to say to ourselves: ‚ÄúMy bit won’t make much of a difference.‚Äù But your bit does make a difference and what seems small can often make the biggest difference. If we really believe this, our day can be transformed. We can confidently go through each day, knowing that we are leaving our mark on today and on all those around us. No one gets it completely right but our mark is literally God’s fingerprint in our world today. Too many have their heads down, lacking confidence and self belief. Today the invitation is to begin to believe in ourselves knowing that we are indeed making a real and lasting difference.