Photo was taken near Banteer, Co.Cork (Irl)

Our photo today was taken during the final rush of saving hay before the rain arrived last week. With every minute so precious before darkness descended there was still time to pause and capture a lovely moment with the hidden sunset pushing lovely reflections of the trees across the river Blackwater.

Thought on Friday – July – 03/07/2009

‘What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn’t have any doubt. It is sure to get where it is going and it doesn’t want to go anywhere else.’ ~Hal Boyle

Few of us are as confident as a river. It may have twists and turns, it sometimes may be in flood but for the most part it journeys on at its own pace, seemingly unaffected by what’s going on all around it. If only we could be unaffected by what’s going on all around us. But we’re not because it is part of our human nature to be sensitive. Today is the feast of St.Thomas. He also was sensitive and he had his doubts. But yet he has been branded the ‚ÄúDoubting Thomas‚Äù as if what he did and said was wrong. But he should be praised for his honesty, openness and courage to ask the right question when it needed to be asked. We could also take a leaf out of his book and we could be much more honest in our relationships with others and with God. Thomas had the courage to ask. Like him we need not be afraid of doubts, questions and stuff we don’t understand.