Photo was taken at Paris, France

This gigantic teapot was suspended in a shopping mall in Paris. I couldn’t resist pulling out the camera for a quick photo!
Congrats to Ireland on a fab win in the rugby against England yesterday. Sorry to all our friends in the UK who check this website, for being a little biased!. Someone had to win and I guess the better team won on the day!!

Thought on Sunday – March – 28/02/2010

The following reflection is by Fr.Tom Cahill

If we regard all information gathered up to 1900 as one unit, since then that unit has doubled every ten years. We have shot dramatically from Stone Age to Information Age. But at heart we’re still hunter-gatherers. Nowadays we ‘hunt’ for knowledge by gathering information. We’ve replaced spears with technology. Take, for example, those wishing to establish paternity. A do-it-yourself DNA test-kit was due shortly in pharmacies across the UK, according to one newspaper’s report last August. Costing ¬£29.99 with a ¬£129 lab fee you would be able to establish paternity in less than five days.

If we read the Bible we can establish paternity in less than five minutes, and at no cost ‚Äì financial, that is. But it’s faith not technology that recognises knowledge found in scripture as truth found in life. In today’s Second Reading (Phil 3:17-4:1) Paul speaks of our citizenship. He could just as easily speak of our paternity. He says: our citizenship is in heaven. We belong to another order of reality because that’s the origin of our paternity. This is what the Gospel reading (Luke 9:28-36) is telling us too. A voice from the cloud addresses the transfigured Jesus as my Son, my Chosen.

Being baptised in Jesus’ name we share in his paternity, but by adoption. Jesus tells us to call God Father when we pray. So, as we pray this Lent, let’s listen to our Father’s word in scripture so that we accept ever more maturely and humbly a paternity that no identi-kit can establish ‚Äì unless the D in DNA stands for ‘divine’.