Photo was taken yesterday at Turner’s Cross, Cork (Irl)

The World Cup is only weeks away. The big countdown is on! There is no denying that at times football is a tough sport. In our photo today grass and muck are flying as a defender gets a hard challenge in! Luckily Luke jumps up and out of danger. The game was part of an U18 Cup Final between Col√°iste Choilm and Deer Park.

Thought on Wednesday – April – 19/05/2010

My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy, you don’t make them because they are cheap, you don’t make them because they are popular, you make them because they’re right.’ ~Theodore Hesburg

We make many decisions each and every day. Some are done with effort and ease, some we have to think about and some we find difficult and almost impossible to make. It’s the difficult decisions that often throw us. Do we always know when we’ve made the right decision? From experience we know that at the time it may have seemed right but with hindsight we were proved wrong. But every decision is made in the present moment. Hindsight belongs to the future and is no help. We are free to choose and make our own decisions. Sometimes it calls for great courage. Sometimes it calls for prayer and guidance. This month of May has traditionally been dedicated to Mary, the mother of God. Why not pause today and ask for her blessings, guidance and courage with whatever is going on in our lives at the moment.