Photo was taken at Mount Usher Gardens, Ashford, Co.Wicklow (Irl)

These beautiful flowers burst with colour and life, near one of the many streams to be found in Mount Usher Gardens.

Thought on Tuesday – May – 10/05/2011

‘God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but God did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way’ ~Author Unknown

There is a story about a Sufi master who once set himself up at a crossroads. He lit a very bright lamp and a distance away, a candle. Then he sat by the candle and read his book. People watching him were confused. Why didn’t he read by the bright light? The bright lamp, he explained, attracted all the moths, leaving him to read in peace! In the world we live in today we are like the moth attracted to the bright light. There are many distractions and so many things to do. Often we’re trying to keep up, the pace is hectic and we often miss out on the quiet and peaceful moments that pass us by. These quiet moments are represented by the candle in our story. They may not make the headlines or be the brightest of lights but it is often a good place to be. Another way of describing the candle is a moment in prayer. Any quiet moment in prayer is always a good place to be, it nourishes our soul and spirit. Which appeals to you more, the moth or the candle?