Photo was taken in Harberton, South Devon, (Eng)

Even during a time of transition and change from one season to the next, there is great beauty still to be found at the heart of the countryside.

Thought on Tuesday – November – 08/11/2011

‘Human systems are imperfect and the hopes they generate are correspondingly fragile. Hope really knows but one true essence: Hope with a capital H – Hope of the eternal kind.’ ~John Waters

We are all aware how on occasions our hopes have been built up and then to be knocked and pulled from us when we least expected it to happen. Life is fragile and our daily activities don’t always work out the way we want. Hope is a word that is often spoken about but it’s often built on shallow foundations. Hope is at the core of the Christian message and when we put it in such a context it takes on a new meaning. Very simply ‘hope’ becomes ‘HOPE’. There seems to be fewer opportunities to be hopeful or cheerful during the month of November. As winter and darkness take a firmer hold, it can be easier to keep our heads down. Today we pray to God to instil hope and a sense of purpose and meaning in all we do each day. No matter how impossible, dark, difficult or frustrating our life situation is, we turn God our greatest source of hope.