Photo was taken at Altamount, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

Throughout April the dandelion flower was in full flower. Here the seeds have all matured and are ready for new pasture.

Thought on Thursday – May – 17/05/2012

Thought For Today is a repeat and will be back to normal tomorrow

‘The wall which prevents us from seeing God is our concept of God. We miss God because we think we know. That is the terrible thing about religion.’ ~Anthony DeMello

Many of us think we know a lot about everything. If we’re really honest there is so little we know. We discover more and more about our world and our lives with each passing day. We will never be able to say at any stage that we know it all. This is especially true of God and who we think God is or might be. No religion can give you the whole package and say this is what it’s all about. Every day is our gift from God to use it as best we can. Each day we can discover God in the heartbeat of life, at home, at work, at church, at school, on the training pitch, in our garden, in our local shop, everywhere and anywhere. We can never know everything about God but one thing we know with absolute certainty, God is closer to us than we can possibly imagine.