Photo was taken at Col√°iste Choilm, Ballincollig, Co.Cork (Irl)

Before the school finished for mid term break I got this photo ready for Halloween! I think it tells its own story about the day that’s in it.

Thought on Wednesday – November – 31/10/2012

‘Halloween is a very spiritual time and through history has been one of great significance. From its very beginning as a Celtic celebration of the new year, Halloween has signified deep spiritual importance.’ ~Michael Frey

Halloween is sometimes known as Hallow’s Eve or Samhain. Whatever name it has been called, this special night preceding All Saints day (November 1st) has been considered for centuries as a special night of the year. It has been said that on Halloween night the veil that separates our world from the spirit world is at its thinnest. In ancient times, this night was sacred. In the Celtic calendar it represented a mid-point in the year and they named it Samhain or summer’s end.

Some say Halloween is silly nonsense, a commercial opportunity and a waste of money. But Halloween has a lot to offer. Children love it and always will. For adults it brings back childhood memories of snap apple and other simple games that still survive. It puts us in touch with the mystery of life and that some things in life are often clouded in darkness. It put us in touch with the struggle between light and darkness and the struggle between good and evil. Halloween may have pagan origins but the Christian message is wrapped around it. It’s a simple Halloween message that God calms, encourages and reassures us especially when we struggle with darkness, evil, mystery and the unknown.