Photo was taken yesterday at Griffin’s Gardening Centre, near Dripsey, Co.Cork (Irl)
A car full of tulips certainly catches the eye outside Griffin’s Gardening Centre. A little bit of creativity always goes a long way!
Thought on Friday – May – 03/05/2013
‘Does prayer change things? No! Prayer changes people and people change things’ ~St Martin Magazine
It is sometimes said that prayer is a waste of time? Comments like “It’s talking to nothing” or “My Prayers are never answered” or “There are no instant results”. But we can say with certainty that prayer brings so many blessings that often go beyond words. Any survey today that asks do people pray and the response is overwhelmingly yes. When it comes to young people the response is also an overwhelming yes. Many who say yes are not committed to formal religion or attend church on a regular basis. But to ignore their yes is a big mistake and a much better plan is to welcome and embrace their willingness to pray. Such is the variety and extent of the way people pray, would suggest that the spirit of God is indeed alive, evolving, connecting and making a big difference in our world today. Prayer always changes people and people of course change things. Through prayer we can be the difference, not next month or next week or tomorrow bot today!