Photo was taken at the Secret Garden, near Newmarket, Co.Cork (Irl)

This is just an old box full of bits and pieces. A robin decided that this should become her home and so she built a nest inside the box. I took the photograph at the Secret Garden Centre. It is a delightful gardening centre that has little surprises where ever you turn and this one has to be the surprise of the month! Isn’t nature wonderful. Robins have been known to build their nest in the most unusual of places. It was difficult to photograph her as she was well hidden within. A flash would seem the obvious solution but I didn’t want to frighten her with such an option. So I did my best using natural light. I will be keeping a close eye on their progress!

Thought on Tuesday – May – 14/05/2013

‘Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is love – enjoy it’ ~
Sai Baba

“Life is what we make it” is a saying that is often used and repeated. Every day is made up of so many possibilities, options, moments and decisions. The frequency and intensity of them make the pace of life hectic. It seems we are not in control and at times drifting helplessly along. But why is it that some people seem in control and seem to be totally connected to life, picking and choosing what and when they want it? Is it a life skill that some have naturally and for others one to learn? In our Gospels Jesus showed his disciples and friends how to prioritise and choose life giving moments. Instead of drifting aimlessly along he encouraged them to celebrate every bit of good news in their lives. He encouraged them to be creative, to have courage to say no when required and to always set time aside for personal reflection, prayer and time out. Small adjustments mean we will always be much more in control.