Temperatures hit 30C in many parts of Ireland yesterday. WOW!

This young man has no fear of heights in trying to cool down in Pakistan!

Thought on Saturday – July – 20/07/2013

‘You cannot define talent. All you can do is build the greenhouse and see if it grows.’ ~William P. Steven

Those who sell green/glasshouses for gardens must be doing slow business at the moment. Who would want a greenhouse in a garden in this fabulous sunshine with temperatures up around 30C. But when the weather is poor the greenhouse is a huge advantage to have in a garden. It provides lovely warm heat for plants and always gives a gardener the edge when conditions are much cooler.

The same goes with a gift and talent. Like a greenhouse giving warmth and shelter, every gift and talent needs above all encouragement, support, freedom and a chance to grow. Take any of these away and you begin to stifle great potential and possibility. What is your special gift and talent? Is it something you use often or seldom and rarely? Do you believe in what you have and that it’s special? Can you offer someone else particularly a young person, support and encouragement in nurturing their gift and talent? Your words of support and encouragement may be the only words they hear.