Photo was taken yesterday at the Chapel in Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork (Irl)

Every crib has got its own unique shape, colour, identity and character. Yet all tell one beautiful and unique story of the first Christmas and how this story still speaks so beautifully to us today.

Happy Christmas Eve!

Thought on Tuesday – December – 24/12/2013

‘When a great moment knocks on the door of your life, it is often no louder than the beating of your heart and it is very easy to miss it.’ ~Boris Pasternak

Christmas can best be described as a great moment. It stirs something special within all of us. Families have various traditions on Christmas Eve each one cherished and enjoyed. They are faithfully kept each year and collectively they make Christmas special. Today Christmas Eve many people will be on the road early to be home for Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Jesus each Christmas and everything evolves around this. It is indeed a great moment but its greatness can easily be missed. Why did God choose to come into this world just like one of us? Why did God choose a simple stable on the outskirts of a busy town? Why was it done quietly and without fuss? Nothing has changed for Christmas 2013. God still comes into our lives quietly and without fuss. We could so easily miss it. What a pity if we were to let such a great moment slip us by.