Photo was taken at Altamount, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)
Even during these early days of February, there are lovely snippets of colour in our garden. This beautiful yellow flower rose beyond the thorny leaves underneath to show its real beauty.
Thought on Wednesday – February – 05/02/2014
‘Focus on the goal. Focus on the purpose. Focus on accomplishing the goal. Each day hundreds of thousands of people get out of bed with no goal. Your goal is the what of your life. The goal is not the place you begin, it is the place you end up’ ~Iyanla Vanzant
So many drift through each day without any focus or goal. What is the purpose of today? Do I randomly drift through whatever comes my way or have I some goal I’d like to achieve. Any book or novel that we read has been carefully thought through. A novelist must know what the last chapter is about and the book will always be leading in that direction. No matter what our age it is good to have some goal to aim towards. A young person’s goals will involve lots of energy, excitement and adventure. As we grow older our goals will still require energy but may have an emphasis on stability, security and doing things at our own pace. There is nothing worse than drifting aimlessly along. At the heart of the Gospel stories there is a constant goal, that there is meaning and purpose to life. Jesus had a goal to teach about love, to share God’s love and that every good deed done in love no matter how small is done for God.