Photo was taken at Bantry House, West Cork (Irl)

These beautifully manicured gardens are always eye catching at Bantry House, particularly at this time of year.

Thought on Thursday – June – 05/06/2014

Thought For The Week

In Asia they say that life is a great river and it will flow, no matter what you do or don’t do. We can decide to flow with the river or to battle it. The river doesn’t care. Life doesn’t care.’ ~Vincent Travers

Every river starts as a spring. A spring trickles and flows at a gentle pace. It explores the easiest and most accessible route forward. It trusts that the route it is travelling has been well tested and tried, by the force and energy of the stream that has already flowed that way. A spring is full of life, with purpose and free of pollution that is normally part of a river further up. As we journey through life there is a part of us that longs to be like a stream. We long for gentleness, we long for a sense of purpose, we long for a relaxed pace to life and an openness to life. From a spiritual point of view this longing can be reached. Our faith in a loving God offers us a definite sense of purpose and meaning to life. Often we appreciate this when we can slow our pace in life down to that of a stream.

But often we are flowing in full force as a river. So much can be said about rivers. We are only too aware of the great power of a river in flood and in contrast the beauty of a gentle flowing river in the height of summer. Every river has an energy and flow that nothing can stop. Even a dam has its limits. Comparing life to a river is also a good image. The many meandering twists and turns of a river reflect life and its unpredictability. Every day brings us some measure of how uncertain life can be. Life can be so uplifting and rewarding but just as quick it can be cruel and unforgiving. We have no option but to go with the flow.
Where does God come into the whole picture? I like the image of the banks on either side of the river that somehow guide the flow of the river. God is there to guide us along through the unpredictable nature of life. It may seem sometimes that God is not around because rivers do flood but even in a flood the banks on either side are still doing a job. So whether we journey at the pace of a stream or a fast flowing river God is always near.

Thought for the week is updated each Monday