Photo was taken at Myross Wood Retreat House, Leap, West Cork (Irl)

The gardens at Myross Wood are spectacular and this is just one section looking so well in beautiful sunshine.

Thought on Sunday – June – 29/06/2014

The following reflection is by Triona Doherty called ‘Places you would rather not go’

Today we celebrate the two founders of the Christian church, Peter and Paul, in some ways not ideal disciples. Peter, originally Simon, was the fisherman who made many mistakes along the way including denying Jesus, but became the rock upon which Jesus built his church. Paul, formerly Saul, turned from persecuting Christians into the greatest missionary and theologian in the early Church. The Gospel we hear today tells us something about this discipleship to which Peter and Paul were called. It is not easy, and it is not always what we would expect.

Jesus tells Peter: ‘When you grow old you will stretch out your hands, and somebody else will put a belt round you and take you where you would rather not go.’ We are told that Jesus is indicating how Peter is to die. Yet his next words are still an invitation: ‘Follow me.’ Peter is left in no doubt that discipleship will not be a bed of roses. He will not be able to ‘walk where he likes’ and do his own thing. Following Jesus is going to take him to places he would rather not go.

If Simon or Saul had known what was ahead, would they have taken the path they did? So it is with our lives. We never know what is around the next corner and what we may have to deal with, whether illness, loss or the many other obstacles that can come our way. The twists and turns of life may indeed bring us where we would rather not go. But we are called to follow Jesus, and trust that he has a plan for us.