Photo was taken at Shannonvale Cross near Clonakilty, West Cork (Irl)

This was a whole new school experience for me. I had the privilege yesterday of accompanying 40 students from Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí (Bantry Community College) at the West Cork Road Bowling Schools Tournament. It was highly competitive event but also a great fun day and lots of banter all round.
What is Road Bowling? It is played with a 28 oz. (793.8 grams) solid iron bowl or ball, with a circumference of approximately 18 centimetres. Two contestants match their individual skills in throwing the bowl with optimum speed, controlled delivery and great accuracy along a carefully considered course distance of a normal roadway. The winner is the player to reach the finishing line in the least number of throws or shots.

Thought on Thursday – October – 22/10/2015

Thought For The Week

‘All the baptised, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelisation. Indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love.’ ~Pope Francis

Last Sunday (Oct 18th) was Mission Sunday. It is a day set aside each year to celebrate so many good and positive faith stories all over the world. God’s presence is to be found in so many countries, cultures and different walks of life. Mission is not just about celebrating God’s story in one particular area of the world but that somehow every country and person is connected in some way. We might say what’s the point in trying to connect and pray for other countries? Sure haven’t we enough troubles of our own.

But Mission makes sure that we don’t lose our sense of who we are and that we are part of a bigger picture. Our faith and belief in God is deepened, enhanced and made more meaningful when we embrace diversity and other viewpoints. Mission Sunday is recognising that God often works quietly through each of us. When you begin to connect all our stories something really special and significant is taking place. Mission Sunday is a celebration of that something special. It would be a mistake to think we need special training or that we need to be at it full time. It is good to know we are doing lots of it already. Every time we share love or do something good for someone else, we are already a missionary. Mission Sunday is a celebration of you. It is a celebration of how your life touches others in ways you may not even be aware of. Mission Sunday celebrates the uniqueness of every single person no matter what their beliefs. We are asked this week to pray for all missionaries and all countries across the world. In particular special prayers are asked for the countries where refugees and migrants are desperately trying to seek a new home.