Photo was taken at Seafeen, near Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

It’s a sight to be found in many Irish bogs during the summer months. To dry out the turf, it is raised into little heaps, to let the rain run off and let the air in between the sods of turf.

Thought on Tuesday – June – 28/06/2016

Thought For Week

“Paris has been morose since the attacks. It does us good to see such happy Irish people.” ~A Parisian Bar Owner

The Irish football team may have been beaten by France last Sunday but they most certainly have done us proud. Throughout the tournament they brought us lots of excitement, colour, celebrations, goals and the mighty energy will be remembered for a long time. It was the turn of Iceland last night beating England 2-1, followed by huge celebrations. The Irish fans as we know have been winning hearts across France and the world with their adorable antics and good humour. Whether it’s a bunch of supporters helping an elderly couple to change their tyre, cleaning up litter on the streets, singing ‘Our Father’ to a nun on a train, to friendly dance offs on the streets, the Irish fans have charmed so many. Such genuine positivity and good will always go such a long way in life.

The Euros have been a great success so far, with many exciting games played and hopefully the best is yet to come. The timing coming so soon after the Paris terrorist attacks is hugely significant. Sport and particularly the Euros show that there is a better way. The Euros brings together and unites people from so many countries. Despite different languages, cultures and traditions, the Euros stand for peace and unity. Sport is allowed to unite and celebrate the gifts that each team and country can bring. Spiritually the Euros also remind us that we are very much part of God’s family. We are always called to respect and honour difference and yet we all follow the same journey, looking for deeper meaning and fulfillment in life.