Photo was taken at Altamount, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

These potatoes not just look great but taste great too and are part of the lovely harvest of summer 2019

Thought on Tuesday – October – 08/10/2019

Thought For The Week

If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.’ ~Isaiah 7:9

There are lots of things that can be said about having faith in God, in a higher power or in the something more. Everyone’s response to what this is for them, will be different but still valued and important. It is when we have nothing that we are vulnerable and exposed. When a crisis hits or something unexpected happens we have nothing to fall back on.

It is said that sorrow looks back, worry looks around, while faith looks up. We need to look up, we need to take that step forward and we need to begin to believe that we can do it. We are invited to believe that God is with us, on our side and the one who can bring meaning and fulfillment into everything we do?

Side by side with our gift of faith is hope. As air is to a tyre or a flame to a candle, we need hope in our lives. The source of our hope is in a God who simply loves us as we are. It’s about a God who never stops seeking us and who never gives up on us. St. Paul wrote a lot about this and described it in a lovely way by saying: “Hope does not disappoint us because God’s love has been poured into our hearts.”

In a world that is often dominated by negative news and where good news is often squeezed out, we need to be people of hope. To be a person of hope requires great determination, courage, conviction and inner belief. It is a lifelong task beginning today as best we can.

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday