Photo was taken near Ballingeary yesterday morning, West Cork (Irl)
Sunrise hit the mountains first near Ballingeary at 9a.m
On This Day
On Nov 14th 2017 Leonardo da Vinci’s painting ‘Salvator Mundi’ sells for 450.3 million at an auction in New York which was a world record price for any artwork
Interesting Quote for Today
“The only way is love.” ~Mother Teresa
Latest Video
Here is the link to my latest video called ‘A Prayer On Climate Change’ (just copy and paste…Thanks)
Thought on Monday – November – 15/11/2021
Thought For The Week
‘Faith gives you an inner strength and a sense of balance and perspective in life.’ ~Gregory Peck
There was an old man who operated a rowboat for ferrying passengers between an island and the mainland. One day a passenger noticed that he had painted on one oar the word “Works,” and on the other oar the word “Faith.” Curiosity led him to ask the meaning of this. The old man replied, “I will show you,”
And so he dropped one oar, rowing only with the oar named “Works.” Of course, the boat just went around in circles. Then he switched oars, picking up “Faith” and dropping “Works.” And the little rowboat went around in circles again, this time in the opposite direction.
After this demonstration, the old man picked up both oars “Faith” and “Works,” and rowing with both oars together swiftly coursed over the water. He looked at the passenger and said, “You see, that is the way it is in life as well as in rowing a boat. You got to keep both oars in the water, otherwise, you will just go round in circles.”
It is a reflection on our own lives too. What are the oars in our lives? Do they balance each other out or are we going around in circles? In terms of spirituality, it is a strong viewpoint that a belief in something is crucial in bringing balance. Not to have a belief in something is like using just one oar. There are so many different religions that claim this space. Each one claims its own unique position. Even if you are not affiliated to a religion or struggle with religious belief, having a belief in something is important.
Throughout our Gospel stories we get a beautiful sense of how Jesus naturally found this balance between belief in God and our everyday lives. He led by example and he encouraged others to find this balance. It remains a challenge for all of us to find the balance today. We sometimes find it and the lose it again. But of all days, today is a great day to begin finding this balance.