Photo was taken of the front page of this weekends Irish Times

Yesterday saw the easing of most of the Covid 19 restrictions across Ireland. It was seen as a very significant day. After nearly two years of lots of restrictions, it feels like freedom. For many people it was great news and for many they will also remain careful and cautious for now.

All the papers carried different headlines but what struck me from The Irish Times were two statistics 6,087 deaths in Ireland from Covid and 681 days of restrictions. Those two headlines remind us what a difficult and traumatic time it has been, not just in Ireland but right across the world too.

My latest video is called ‘There is GREAT strength when we support each other’ (Just copy and paste and it will play. Thanks)

Thought on Sunday – January – 23/01/2022

Thought For The Week

‘They have no wine’ ~John 2:3

The shocking death of Ashling Murphy has made headlines near and far. We have all been touched and deeply moved that such a young beautiful life was ended in such a cruel horrible way. So many people have marked it in their own way. So many candles have been lit, prayers have been said, vigils have been held and the clear message is enough is enough.

This cannot happen again. Violence to women has to stop. Our world and community needs to be safer for everyone especially women. Out of total darkness, a great swell of light and hope has risen. I don’t think it’s short term. It can’t be. With this great swell of light and hope something good has to come out of the awfulness that has happened.

The Gospel story of the wedding at Cana has a key message. You can read the story literally but it also has a much deeper meaning. It is a sign of God’s incredible generosity. When it seems all is over, when it seems everything has run out or when there is no more – the message is that out of nothing comes an overflowing of generosity. It is an overflowing of God’s amazing love for each of us. It is an overflowing of hope, of kindness, of blessings and so much more.

A question we can all ask is where was God when Ashling ran along that canal and walkway? The words of Jesus are also relevant: “My God My God why have you forsaken me.” But God hasn’t forsaken us. From the depth of darkness, from seemingly nothing, God is with us. The great outpouring of love and light in every parish and community over the past few days is a clear sign of God’s love and generosity. No one can take that away from us.