Photo was taken yesterday at Colaiste Pobail Bheanntrai (Bantry Community College), West Cork (Irl)

It was a busy day yesterday making Saint Brigid’s Crosses and students Leah and Clodagh were delighted with their crosses. It is a lovely tradition and students just love making them. They have the option of making them whatever size they want and there is always a great sense of satisfaction in making your own. One thing we are not scarce of in West Cork is rushes!!

On This Day

On Feb 1st 2003 the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates during reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts aboard. At the time it was a huge story worldwide.

Birthday’s Today

Lisa Marie Presley (Daughter of Elvis) is 54
Harry Styles (Pop Singer) is 28
Annalise Murphy (Irish Olympic Sailor) is 32

Interesting Quote for Today

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” ~Les Brown

Saint For Today: Saint Brigid. She is one of the Patron Saints of Ireland (See Thought below for more)

Significane of Today Along with St Brigid’s Day we also celebrate today the beginning of the Chinese New Year. You will find a full 20% of the Earth’s population celebrating today using more fireworks than any other day of the year. This year it is the Year of the Tiger

Did You Know: It only takes six minutes for alcohol to affect your brain

My latest video is called ‘A Prayer of Hope to Saint Brigid’ whose feast day is today February 1st
(Just copy and paste in your browser) Thank you

Thought on Tuesday – February – 01/02/2022

Thought For The Week (This section is updated on Monday)

‘If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.’ ~Anne Bradstreet

Today is the feast of St Brigid (February 1st). Saint Brigid has been described as a woman of faith, feminist, farmer, bishop, convent founder and a miracle worker. She is the patroness of Ireland and starting in 2023 a Bank Holiday weekend will begin in her honour. Brigid has inspired women and men down through the ages. She cared for the poor, healed the sick and managed monastic settlements.

The life of Saint Brigid has been inspirational. No one can deny how special she was. She was way ahead of her time with her outlook on life, her ideas and her vision for an inclusive church. Her energy and presence is very much alive today and awareness about her story and life continues to grow.

St Brigid is most famous for her cross which she wove together using rushes. The many strands that make up a St Brigid’s cross represent the different strands of our own lives. They pick up on our joys and blessings but also on our struggles, problems and difficulties. For Brigid the cross was not an end in itself but pointed to a firm and sure hope in a loving God. For Brigid this loving God helps us to make sense of everything that’s going on in our lives. Significantly St Brigid’s day is a day for renewed hope and is most certainly a day to celebrate.

The following is ‘A prayer to Saint Brigid’
Brigid you were a special person and an inspiration to so many.
You stood up for those who needed a voice.

You brought light and hope to so many.
You were a woman of love and you were close to nature and the heartbeat of God.

Your cross has become so symbolic.
It is a sign of hope, a sign of strength and a sign that everything in our world and universe is connected.

The centre of your cross is symbolic of the presence of God.
May we recognise our centre.
May we feel the blessings of light, hope, peace, courage and strength.
May we grow each day into the person God has created us to be,
both in mind, body and spirit.
