Photo was taken on the Butter Road, at the side of Mushera mountain, near Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

Early snow showers made sure these rocks stood out for the camera. Under these rocks is St John’s Well. There are actually three wells attributed to St John in this area. One is the main well at the foot of the mountain, there is this one in our photo along the butter road and a further well can be found way up on top of the mountain.

Thought on Thursday – March – 10/03/2022

‘If your prayer is anything like mine, a distraction pops into your head and before you know where you are, you have chased all over the universe following it.’ ~Catherine Wybourne

We have heard the saying: “Nobody said it was going to be easy”. This can apply to many things in life but especially prayer. We may have the best intentions but we find our mind wandering so easily. What happened a few minutes ago, a few hours ago and yesterday jump in front of us, not to mention what we’re hoping to do tomorrow and the coming week! Soon our prayer is all over the place and it is at this point that it’s so easy to give up. It can be frustrating. But distraction is part of everyone’s prayer. Even the most famous of saints found prayer distracting at times.

One of them St Therese wrote down many things about her spiritual life. She made sure to use distraction as part of her prayer. Every time she had a distraction she used it as a moment to pull back into the present moment and in that moment acknowledged how much she loved God. This is something we could do well to follow. It’s all about acknowledging that we will and do have distractions. Why not use them to our advantage?