I took the photo for today last Sunday evening at 5.40pm looking across at Clara Mountain from Altamount, in Millstreet, Co.Cork. In two weeks time we will be heading for the spring equinox and the long stretch in our evenings now is most welcome.
My Latest Video
My latest video is called ‘The Spirituality of Lent and the 3 Legged Stool’
Thought For The Week
Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone. There in their presence he was transfigured.” ~Matthew 17:1
A feature of any mountain road is that it usually winds its way up. It never goes from the bottom to the top in a straight line. This makes sense too as it is so much easier to climb the mountain if the path meanders gradually, rather than go straight up. It is a reflection on the journey of Lent too. It has to be done slowly and gradually.
The views from any part of a mountain allow us to see things from a different perspective. What we see up higher is very different to what we see below in the valley. It is sometimes good to get perspective in life. It is sometimes good to step back and away from the busyness of life, to recharge and find balance again.
The Gospel story of the Transfiguration makes it clear that it was a special moment for Jesus and his disciples. It was one they would never forget. When difficult, challenging and upsetting days would come, the Transfiguration would give them hope and courage.
I know the word Transfiguration is a word that is rarely used today. It translates as a change in appearance or a spiritual change. The words spiritual change might help us to understand it better. Lent is a time of change, a time of spiritual change. It is a time to step out and away from those parts of our lives that are no longer life giving. It is a time to step away from negativity and those parts of our lives that no longer energise us.
We all know that even with beautiful views up on a mountain, we must come back down. But one thing is certain: we come back down changed and changed for the better. We come back to where our story continues to unfold. Lent encourages us to allow our story to unfold in new ways, in good ways, in positive ways and in ways that are life giving and good for you. But like any Lenten journey or with any mountain climb, take your time and you will get there.
The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday