This cat reminds us on the importance of taking some quiet time to relax and unwind. Will you make your quiet moment happen today?
My Latest Video
With the very heavy rain during the week and especially in West Cork, I am reminded of this video I made last year. The contrast of standing on a rock in a moment of calm and then looking at the same spot when the river is in flood, is some contrast!!! And yes we all need those moments of quiet and calm in our lives.
Thought For The Week
Last Sunday was Mother’s Day and in Ireland it is celebrated in Ireland on the 4th Sunday of Lent. This was a prayer I shared at Mass.
A prayer for all mothers on Mother’s Day
Loving God, we thank you for all mothers and we do so in gratitude and praise for the blessings they bring to us. We thank you for their love, their teachings, their guidance, their wisdom, their patience and their understanding. Thank you for the beautiful physical, emotional and spiritual gifts they possess. We give thanks for how they share these gifts constantly with us.
Sometimes we take these gifts for granted, but on Mother’s Day, we remind all our Mums how special you are. Thank you for everything. Thank you for all the love you share with us. We ask God to abundantly bless you today, to protect you, to keep you in good health and to continue guiding you in all you do for us. We also remember Mum’s deceased, we haven’t forgotten you, we ask you to hold us close in your love as we remember you with love today. Amen
The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday