In Ireland this weekend is a Bank Holiday Weekend for June. The weather is also beautiful. Enjoy today Monday whatever your plans are.
Exam prayer for those starting the Leaving and Junior Cert Exams
Loving God, I turn to you today. As the exam approaches I am nervous and so I ask you to help me. You know how important these exams are to me. Set me free from worry, give me your peace and help me to think clearly. Help me to remember what I have learned, to use my time well, not to panic, to do my best and not to worry about the outcome.
Help me to realise that the exams are not there to catch me out but to find out how much I know.
Lord, keep me calm so that I can write down all I know. Keep my friends calm too, we’re all in this together! Let me sleep each night so that I am refreshed and renewed for the next exam. Even if I struggle I must always remember that there is a bigger picture of which these exams are only a small part of.
Most important of all calm me down, keep me focussed, guide me along, get me through the scary moments and make sure I attempt every question. Thank you for being my friend today and always. Amen.
Thought For The Week
We celebrated Trinity Sunday yesterday. For years the meaning of the Trinity didn’t make much sense to people. We were often told it was shrouded in mystery. It was beyond words and it still is. But as time goes on our understanding of what it could mean is evolving.
In the world we live in today there is a growing awareness that everything is connected and nothing is in isolation. At the heart of the Trinity is three in one. In other words God is not in isolation, in some far off place or in some distant place looking down on us. God is with us in the here and now. God is with us in the very ordinary moments of our everyday lives.
Trinity Sunday reminds us that we may have a lot more questions than answers. But one answer we have, that gives us all hope, is the absolute certainty that God is love. This Bank Holiday weekend we will embrace every loving moment that comes our way.
The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday