Photo of the oak tree was taken heading towards Carrigaline Park and the Seagull Walkway, Carrigaline, Co.Cork
As we move into the middle of November we are moving into the transition from autumn into winter. Most of the leaves have now fallen and this transition from autumn to winter still creates lots of beautiful moments.
Video for the week(Updated every Wednesday
A new video will be uploaded tomorrow and it is called ‘A Timeless Classic- Take Time’
Thought For The Week
“The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.’ ~Author Unknown
What does the word cautious mean? The dictionary describes it as someone who is careful in actions and decisions. It is someone who is alert, cagey, plays it safe, is shrewd, watchful and generally hesitates before making a decision. In life it is good to be cautious. It is good and important to be careful, alert and watchful with many things in life.
Sometimes though we can be over cautious. We put up a wall, we do not go outside our comfort zone and often can cut ourselves off from opportunities that life can bring. Again it brings us to the beautiful word that is balance. If we can get the balance right between living life to the full but also working out what’s good and best for us, then we have found a good healthy balance.
When it comes to faith matters we have no need to be cautious. Throughout our Gospel stories Jesus mentions the need to let go of fear and worry. In fact throughout the bible, “Do not be afraid” is mentioned 365 times. So for every day of the year there is a whisper of do not be afraid. Why be cautious when God loves us uniquely, journeys with us through every experience and gently whispers each day: “Do not be afraid”.
The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday