I took this photo last week at Tooreenbawn, Millstreet, Co.Cork The newly born calf was simply ready for the photoshoot!! It is the time of year when many calves are born on our farms. It is a sign that spring is nearly upon us and it is also a busy time on many farms.
I have just uploaded my new weekly video below. Next Sunday is World Day for sick people and prayers for healing will be said in every church. I have made a short video which is a gentle meditation for healing in our lives. Enjoy the gentle time out that it is
On This Day
On February 9th On February 9th 2020 the fastest supersonic New York to London journey was made by British Airways Boeing 747-436 in four hours and 56 minutes, speeds of 1,327 km/h / 825 mph due to Storm Ciara
Birthdays Today
Gordon Strachan (Former Scottish Footballer) is 67
Tom Hiddleston (Actor) is 43
Sandy Lyle (Golfer) is 66
Saint For Today
Today is the feast day of Saint Apollonia
Significance Of Today
The Carnival of Brazil begins today until next Wednesday. where the streets come alive with vibrant colors, lively music and non-stop dancing. The Brazilian Carnival is a feast for the senses, a chance to immerse yourself in the rich heritage of this beautiful country and experience the unbridled joy and energy of its people. It’s history dates back to the 18th century, when the celebration was primarily a religious event. It was originally held as a way for the people to indulge in food and drink before the start of Lent, a period of fasting and repentance.
Interesting Quote For Today
“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.” ~Helen Keller
Video for the Week 🎥
This is the new video called ‘A short meditation for healing’
Thought For The Week
You are the salt of the earth. But if salt becomes tasteless, what can make it salty again? It is good for nothing, and can only be thrown out to be trampled underfoot by people.” ~Matthew 5:13
Salt is something we take so much for granted and yet all life depends on its chemical properties to survive. Its chemical formula is NaCl and is made up of sodium and chloride. Salt has been used by humans for thousands of years. The ability of salt to preserve food has been the main contributor to the development of civilization.
Salt made it possible to transport food over long distances and also helped to store food when it would be out of season. But salt was often difficult to source and so it was a highly valued trade item. Our bodies also need salt for survival. If we completely cut out salt from our diet we would become unwell in a short period of time. Our muscles would become weak and begin to cramp up. We would suffer from heat exhaustion and our whole body system would start to fail.
It is well known that we consume more salt than we need today. Lots of salt is added to food to increase its taste. A bag of chips from our local chipper tastes so much nicer when it is sprinkled with salt. Too much salt leads to high blood pressure and too little means we can’t survive. The key word with salt is balance and to use it as part of a balanced diet.
It is little wonder that Jesus was so in touch with the image of salt. Jesus beautifully says we are the salt of the earth. Like salt we are essential, precious and unique. Like salt we have a crucial role to play as part of God’s family. We too can contribute in ways that are unique to us. We can use our gifts and talents in a way that works for us. It is about getting the balance right. If we don’t spread our salt, it is no good and if we spread too much salt it is also no good. How do we find the balance?
Pope Francis puts it beautifully when he says: “Let us recover and deepen our enthusiasm, that delightful and comforting joy of spreading good news.” Every time you generate some good news and share good news with someone else it is like spreading salt in balance. We desperately need more good news in our world and in our communities. You are the source of this good news. You are the salt. Without it we have absolutely nothing.
The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday