I took this photo yesterday in a pond at Tooreenbawn, near Millstreet, Co.Cork. Frog spawn is such a lovely sign of spring.
The Common Frog (Rana temporaria) is the only species of frog found in Ireland and is listed as an internationally important species. Frogs are protected under the European Union Habitats Directive and by the Irish Wildlife Act. Frogs are amphibians which means they can survive in the water and on land.
Each frog egg is 2-3mm in diameter and is enclosed in an envelope of jelly. When the egg is deposited in the water the jelly swells to a diameter of 8-10mm insulating the eggs from the water. The egg develops into a tadpole in 10-21 days (the higher the temperature the shorter the development time).
On This Day
On February 20th 1962 John H Glenn became the first astronaut to orbit earth and he did it not once but three times over one day!
On February 20th 2021 Englishwoman Jasmine Harrison (21) becomes the youngest woman to row across an ocean arriving in Antigua as part of the Atlantic Challenge after 70 days, 3 hours, 48 minutes
Birthday’s Today
Rihanna (Pop Singer) is 36
Cindy Crawford (Model) is 58
Saint For Today:
Saint for Today is Saint Jacinta and Francisco Marto who witnessed the apparitions at Fatima
Video for the Week

Thought For The Week
I have lovely displays of daffodils in my garden at the moment, many of them in pots and window boxes. I also share a photograph of some of the daffodils. They are rich and lush with beautiful yellow colours. I am sometimes asked how I get such a spread. This is what I do, and I do it faithfully every year. Once they have flowered, I give them plenty of Gee Up which you can get in any good gardening centre. And what is Gee Up? It is simply horse manure!!
Over the following weeks after they have flowered the ‘Gee Up’ nourishes the bulbs below allowing them to regenerate and store energy for the following spring. Because they have regenerated, the colours are fabulous.
I like to think that Lent is a bit like ‘Gee Up’. It nourishes and slowly releases all its goodness, not just in one day but over many weeks. Lent is not a one or a two-day event. It is for many days over six weeks. It is a journey, done slowly and patiently. Instead of trying to do everything, it is good to do the small things and do them well.
Lent is nourishing your spirit. Lent is not about shouting from the rooftop what you are doing, but doing it quietly, gently and slowly. Lent like ‘Gee Up’ works wonders.
It is a slow release of goodness and of love and of blessings. I hope this is your experience of Lent too this year.
(Thought For The Week is updated each Monday)