I took this photo last evening at 9pm looking across at Millstreet, Co.Cork as the sun dipped below the clouds throwing beautiful light in all directions

On This Day 

On May 16th 1975 Tabei Junko of Japan, accompanied by Ang Tsering of Nepal, became the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

On May 16th 1986 The action blockbuster Top Gun was released and it made Tom Cruise an international star.

On May 16th 2022 Sweden formally announces it will seek to join NATO after 200 years of neutrality, in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Birthday’s Today🎂

Pierce Brosnan (Actor) is 71

Janet Jackson (Popsinger) is 58

Megan Fox (Actress) is 38

Significance Of Today

Today May 16th is Drawing Day. There is an artist in all of us. The ability to work with colours is something that is inbuilt in all of us. Drawing Day is dedicated to the artist inside of us and encourages us to try using some colours no matter how simple.

Interesting Quote for Today

“A bad attitude is like a flat tyre; if you don’t change it, you won’t go anywhere” ~ Joyce Meyer

Saint For Today

Today is the feast day of Saint Brendan and he is the patron saint of boatpeople, mariners, sailors, travelers and whales

Did You Know😇

Did you know that while you sleep you can’t smell anything – even really, really bad or potent smells.

My Latest Video🎥

I have just shared my new video and it is called ‘Spiritually turning to light, hope and blessings – with the help of the dandelion flower’


Thought for Week

On Sunday we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. But there is one potential problem with the Feast Day of the Ascension. It gives the impression that Jesus like a rocket took off to some far place, with no meaningful connection with any of us.

I prefer to think of the Ascension as Jesus now all around us and near us and with us. The notion of ‘ascending to heaven’ gives the wrong impression that he is gone and gone for good!!

So what does the Ascension mean for you and me? It means that the presence of Jesus is no longer limited to a small group in one place at a particular time. The Ascension means the presence of Jesus is now everywhere and all around us and especially in us.

And finally to say that The Ascension invites us to celebrate God’s beautiful presence in you and in everything good we do each day. It celebrates God’s presence in the very ordinary moments of our lives. God is not distant or far away. God is closer than we can possibly imagine!

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday