Today in New York if the weather permits an event called ‘Manhattanhedge’ will occur at 8.15pm. Manhattanhenge occurs when the setting sun aligns with the streets of New York City. It’s a phenomenon that draws in thousands of photographers and spectators each year.

On This Day 

On May 29th 1953 Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norway became the first climbers to surmount Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world (29,032 feet – 8,849 metres).

Birthday’s Today🎂

Noel Gallagher (Musician and Singer) is 57

Mel B (Pop Singer) is 49

Significance Of Today

Today Is International Day of UN Peacekeepers. It is a special day that shines a light on the brave men and women working to keep peace worldwide. It is celebrated every year on May 29th.  This day marks the start of the first UN peacekeeping mission in 1948. It’s a time to remember the dedication and courage of over two million people who have served in these missions since then.

 Interesting Quote for Today

“World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.” ~Dalai Lama XIV

Did You Know😇

Did you know that strawberries are the only fruit that sports its seeds on the outside.


Thought For The Week

Last Sunday was Trinity Sunday. Here are my few thoughts on this particular Feast Day.

One of the first prayers we learned as a child is of course the Sign of the Cross. It’s a prayer we often take for granted because we do it without even thinking. It’s the shortest prayer we can say.

It’s a prayer that can mark a beginning and a prayer that can mark an ending. But at its heart is what we call mystery. It is beyond human explanation.

We have heard the saying ‘two is good company but three is a crowd.’ And at the heart of the mystery of the Trinity is the number 3. Right throughout scripture 3 keeps coming up, we had 3 wise men, Jesus was tempted 3 times, the parable of the Good Samaritan speaks of 3 people who passed by, the parable of the sower speaks of 3 different types of terrain that the seed fell into, yielding 3 different levels of harvest, Peter denied Jesus 3 times, on the hill of calvary there were 3 crosses, Jesus between the 2 thieves and Jesus spent 3 days in the tomb.

The Trinity may give the impression that God is distant and removed. But at the heart of the Trinity is that everything in our Universe is connected, everything in life is connected and nothing is in isolation. It is the same with the God we believe in. Everything is connected. If we say God is love, then love holds everything together.

We may not have all the words about what Trinity means but we are not stuck for words when we say that God is love. Love holds everything together. And when you start a prayer with the sign of the Cross, or when you finish a prayer with a sign of the Cross, you are very simply blessing yourself with love.

To me that is not mystery, or something to be dismissed. It is something beautiful and special. Continue to bless yourselves with love whenever you get the chance.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday