I took this photo last evening at Millstreet, Co.Cork on the farm of my brother Gerard. Thanks to a fine sunny bank holiday weekend predicted across Ireland, the silage season is in full swing with many farmers making the most of the opportunity.

 On This Day 

On May 31st 1970 the Great Peruvian earthquake occurred off the coast of Peru in the Pacific Ocean. Combined with a resultant landslide, it is the most catastrophic natural disaster in the history of Peru. Due to the large amounts of snow and ice in the landslide it caused the death of 70,000 people. It is also considered to be the world’s deadliest avalanche.

Birthday’s Today🎂

Colin Farrell (Actor) is 48
Clint Eastwood (Actor) is 94
Brooke Shields (Actress) is 59
Terry Waite (Humanitarian) is 85
Mary O’Rourke (Former Politican) is 87

Significance of Today🤗

Today is World No Tobacco Day. Smoking as we know is NOT good for our health. The numbers of people smoking is still high. The good news is that in recent times there has been more of a focus on people quitting smoking, and societies trying to go smoke-free.

Interesting Quote for Today

‘If Jesus came back today, and saw what was going on in his name, he’d never stop throwing up.’ ~Max von Sydow

Saint For Today

Today is the feast day of the Visitation of Mary. In Christianity, the Visitation is the visit of Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, to Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist

Did You Know😇

It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open!

Cats can jump a height of 7 times its tail length. This is approximately 8 feet high. This is possible due to the powerful back leg muscles of the cat.

Thought For The Week

Last Sunday was Trinity Sunday. Here are my few thoughts on this particular Feast Day.

One of the first prayers we learned as a child is of course the Sign of the Cross. It’s a prayer we often take for granted because we do it without even thinking. It’s the shortest prayer we can say.

It’s a prayer that can mark a beginning and a prayer that can mark an ending. But at its heart is what we call mystery. It is beyond human explanation.

We have heard the saying ‘two is good company but three is a crowd.’ And at the heart of the mystery of the Trinity is the number 3. Right throughout scripture 3 keeps coming up, we had 3 wise men, Jesus was tempted 3 times, the parable of the Good Samaritan speaks of 3 people who passed by, the parable of the sower speaks of 3 different types of terrain that the seed fell into, yielding 3 different levels of harvest, Peter denied Jesus 3 times, on the hill of calvary there were 3 crosses, Jesus between the 2 thieves and Jesus spent 3 days in the tomb.

The Trinity may give the impression that God is distant and removed. But at the heart of the Trinity is that everything in our Universe is connected, everything in life is connected and nothing is in isolation. It is the same with the God we believe in. Everything is connected. If we say God is love, then love holds everything together.

We may not have all the words about what Trinity means but we are not stuck for words when we say that God is love. Love holds everything together. And when you start a prayer with the sign of the Cross, or when you finish a prayer with a sign of the Cross, you are very simply blessing yourself with love.

To me that is not mystery, or something to be dismissed. It is something beautiful and special. Continue to bless yourselves with love whenever you get the chance.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday