Beautiful sunshine yesterday meant the bees and bumblebees were busy on the blackberry flowers which flowers so abundantly at this time of year.
I took the photo in my garden at Carrigaline
Thought For Week
I have been involved with some 6th class graduations during the week. This beautiful reflection was read at the Carrigaline Holy Well school graduation:
Be humble enough to realise you still have a lot to learn.
Be ambitious enough to know you can be anything you want to be.
Be easy enough on yourself – to enjoy, to laugh and to have fun.
Be mature enough to take responsibility for what you do.
Be confident enough to see that who you are inside, is more important than how you look outside.
Be proud enough to take care of your body, your mind and your spirit.
Be wise enough to choose your friends carefully.
Be absolutely sure that wherever you go, whatever you do, YOU ARE LOVED.