Photo was taken yesterday at the People’s Park, Haulbowline, Cork

These were the lovely views yesterday afternoon, looking across at Cobh as a cruise liner left the harbour town

I have just posted my new and latest video below

On This Day

On Sep 12th 1992 Astronaut Mae Jemison became the first African American woman to fly in space

On Sep 12th 2003 the Country Music Singer Legend Johnny Cash died at the age of 71

On Sep 12th 2014 political leader Ian Paisley died at the age of 88

Birthdays Today

Bertie Ahern (Former Taoiseach of Ireland) is 73

Joe Schmidt (Former Irish Rugby Coach) is 59

Linda Gray (Actress who played Sue Ellen in Dallas) is 84

Saint For Today

Today September 12th is the feast of Saint Ailbhe. He was a Bishop and preacher, one of the saints whose life has been woven into the myths and legends of Ireland. He was a known disciple of St. Patrick

Significance of Today

Today is World Encouragment Day. It is a day that offers the ideal opportunity to be an encouragement to someone and make the world a slightly brighter place. It is often the small words of encouragement, that can make all the difference in someones life.

Quote For Today

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” ~ Author Unknown

Did You Know

The most sensitive finger is the index finger. The index finger is the second finger on your hand and it is also called the forefinger.


My Latest Video 🎥

My latest video is called ‘My Beautiful Old Teapot – you are unique and special’.

Thought For The Week

I was on holidays recently and as you drive into Killarney there is an antiques shop on the left-hand side. I also noticed a big sign ‘Closing down sale – everything must go’. So of course, I went for a look and what a collection of all bits and pieces from the past, upstairs and downstairs and everywhere else you could look! Some call it junk but antiques give us a lovely insight into the history of a particular time and place.  The word antique has a lovely ring to it and has an air of importance about it.

I was drawn to an old teapot. It was dirty and brown with dust. It is a teapot that dates back to the 1950’s. I could see the potential and I knew I couldn’t let it behind. And so, I haggled the price of €40 down to €25. When I came home, I washed it and cleaned it and this most amazing and beautiful teapot came back to life. Its colours are full of life and it makes a most beautiful cup of tea.

There is a spiritual message too as we are all like the old teapot. You are also beautiful underneath. Like the teapot in the antique shop, we sometimes are covered in dust and clutter. Sometimes we need a new start and a new beginning. Like the antique teapot you are unique and special. There is nobody else just like you or never will be.

If you feel like you are covered in dust, I recall the beautiful words in scripture: ‘Courage, do not be afraid. I am with you.’ Spiritually we know that sometimes we need to find ourselves again. We need to begin again. We need to have courage, hope and to know we are not on our own.

We too are invited to open ourselves to the blessings of Jesus especially the beautiful blessing of healing. Jesus too invites us back to life, back to having meaning in our lives again and back to having a sense of purpose. And just like this antique teapot Jesus says you are special and unique, today and always.

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday