I took this photo last week as I walked along the riverside walk at Carrigaline, Co.Cork (Irl)

We all know the importance of getting outdoors each day, even for a short time. It is well documented how it’s good for our health, both physically and good for the soul too. We also know how everyone these days is looking more and more at their mobile phones and looking less at the beauty of nature. This beautiful photo is a reminder that even in September there is still plenty of colour in nature all around us.

On This Day 

On September 24th 1957 Elvis Presley released the single ‘Jailhouse Rock’ which became an instant hit all over the world and is still faithfully danced to by so many people, young and old

On September 24th 2015 Pope Francis became the first pope to address the US Congress

On September 24th 2020 David Attenborough broke Jennifer Aniston’s record as the fastest person to reach 1 million followers on Instagram

Birthdays Today

Jackie Sandler (Movie Actress) is 50

Significance Of Today

Today is International Age Diversity Day. Diversity is valuable and the world is most balanced and fruitful when equal opportunities are given to everyone in the workforce and elsewhere, regardless of differences that may include gender, age or sexual orientation.

Interesting Quote for Today

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers

Did You Know😇

The world’s oldest dog lived to 29.5 years old. While the average age a dog reaches tends to be around 10-15 years, one Australian cattle dog whose name was ‘Bluey’, survived to the ripe old age of 29.5 years

My Latest Video 🎥

This is my latest and newest video and it is called – ‘What can we learn from the monks especially all about balance’. If you would like to see a selection of my other videos on Youtube you can click this link here. https://www.youtube.com/@JamesMcSweeneyFr/videos


This is a recent video called ‘My Beautiful Old Teapot – you are unique and special’.

Thought For Today

“Future generations will never forgive us if we miss the opportunity to protect our common home. We have inherited a garden; we must not leave a desert for our children.” ~Joint statement from Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury

 During this month of September we celebrate the Season of Creation. It is a worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home that is planet earth. It takes place from September 1st to October 4th which is the feast day of Saint Francis. But it is much more local too. It is about celebrating the beauty of creation and nature on our doorstep and knowing that God is beautifully present in these moments.

 The beautiful weather that we have had recently in Ireland has given everybody a chance to get outdoors and enjoy nature. It seems to be so true that when the schools return in September the weather comes good! For me my moment came during the week below in Robert’s Cove which is about 12 kilometres south of Carrigaline. By pure chance I witnessed hundreds of swallows gathering before they headed away from Ireland. They had gathered everywhere, on trees, telephone lines, on rooftops. It was like a big gathering of Cork fans at an All-Ireland final! I had never seen this before.

Robert’s Cove was obviously a gathering place before they all headed off out to sea and off on their amazing journey to the warmer climate of South Africa. All summer long they have been sweeping across our fields, boreens and yards, gathering flies to feed their young. They have been flying into sheds, farm buildings and garden huts where they had carefully built their nests.

 Their delightful chirping is unmistakable. I was sad to see them leave during the week. I look forward to their return next April. Spiritually the message is simple, life goes in cycles and we must go with these cycles also. The great gathering of the swallows reminded me of God’s presence in the beauty of nature. The season of Creation made a lot of sense to me during the week. I hope you can find your moment too when nature touches and moves you too.

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday