Photo was taken on the butter road, that takes you over the upper slopes of Mushera mountain, near Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)
Recent snow provided loads of opportunities for photos. This particular photo is the imprint of a tractor tyre. To the left were the car tyres but the tractor took a wider and more scenic route!!
Thanks for all the feedback re the new look for the website. Already we have sat down with the web designers and all the changes re your feedback have been taken note of. One important change will be the colour. The black darkground will be changing to more softer colours. The changes will kick in on Friday 1st Feb and depending on progress maybe even a few days before this date. Thank you for taking the time to email your feedback. It is appreciated.
Thought For Today is below
‘There is no short cut to making a good painting. Time is the act of looking closely at something, close enough to really see, to preserve the memory and how it made you feel.’ ~Eithne Jordan
A good painting, photo, song, poem or book will all capture something. They recall and capture a moment or a collection of moments. They lead us in close enough to really see what needs to be seen. Our lives are also similar. There are no short cuts and nothing is easy. But our story and our collection of moments do add up to something special.
Like an artist God helps us to put our life painting together. The big difference is that God always chooses the positive and the good.
God works with our darker colours and mixes them into something vibrant and colourful. This is what forgiveness is all about. It is liberating and energising. Perhaps forgiveness isn’t a popular word today. But the end results are so beneficial, healthy and positive. Can I be open to God’s forgiveness in my life?