Photo was taken near St.John’s Well, Mushera, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)
This photo is another from the set of snow photos we took recently. Snow is a photographers manna from heaven and you can see why! Trees, fields and mountains all take on a completely new fresh look. It’s nice to be able to share these moments every now and again.
‘We are the wire, God is the current. Our only power is to let the current pass through us.’ ~Carlo Carretto
The image of the wire and current is an appropriate image. We sometimes forget that we are the instrument. Through us God can do so much. All we have to do is let God flow through us and in all we do. Our lives will be enriched and nourished. But unless we fist turn on the switch the current won’t flow. Perhaps an appropriate prayer today might be,
Lord, you are the current and lifeline of my life.
I ask you to give me enough power and energy
to get me through this day.