Photo was taken at Tooreenbawn, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

Autumn brings out the best in colour and these leaves are just one example from so many around at this time of year.

Thought on Saturday – October – 23/10/2010

This October, ask yourself ‘where is my mission field?’ What can I do to promote the mission of the Church, both on my own, and helping others, at home and abroad, to bring people to God. In this way we will be able to plant seeds that grow and water seeds that produce effects beyond our capabilities. We do this in the confidence that God does the work and we are merely the instruments. ~Francis Cousins

Tomorrow (Oct 23rd) is Mission Sunday. It is a day set aside each year to celebrate so many good and positive faith stories all over the world. God’s presence is to be found in so many countries, cultures and different walks of life. Mission is not just about celebrating God’s story in one particular area of the world but that somehow every country and person is connected in some way. We might say what’s the point in trying to connect and pray for other countries? Sure haven’t we enough troubles of our own! But Mission makes sure that we don’t lose our sense of who we are and that we are part of a bigger picture. Our faith and belief in God is deepened, enhanced and made more meaningful when we embrace diversity and other viewpoints. Mission Sunday is recognising that God often works quietly through each of us. When you begin to connect all our stories something really special is taking place. Mission Sunday is a celebration of that something special.