Photo was taken at Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool, (Eng)

Today is one of the most solemn days on the Christian calendar. This painting makes up one of the stations of the cross in Liverpool Cathedral. These particular paintings are huge and this particular one where Jesus is stripped of his clothes is particularly stark and reflective.

God proved his love on the cross. When Christ hung, bled and died on the cross on Good Friday, it was God saying to the world, “I love you.” ~Billy Graham

Today Good Friday is a stark, bleak and reflective day. A question sometimes asked by children is: If Jesus died on the cross why is today Friday called good. Why not call it Bad Friday?
The answer is simple. It is good because we know that Jesus triumphed over evil, darkness and sin. We live in a world today where we are bombarded with violence. It has numbed us, so much so that we can fail to appreciate the sufferings that Jesus underwent for each of us. Jesus knows better than anyone our struggles and difficulties in life. We are not on our own and we are given the strength to carry whatever cross we may carry in life. Today is also a day to pray for anyone that we know who is carrying a particularly difficult or heavy cross. Our prayers today can and will make the world of a difference.