Photo was taken in central London (Eng)

Our photos for the next few days will be from London. Our photo today a nighttime shot of Westminister Cathedral and Big Ben.

Thought on Thursday – May – 12/05/2011

‘Wishing is something we do quite early in life. Healthy wishing enables us to move beyond the past and the present. It spurs us to set goals for the future and encourages us to use our time and talents to work toward their achievement.’ ~Melanie Svoboda,

We often wish, hope and pray at the same time. Sometimes we get it all wrong. The loyal fans of two opposing teams at a match will be wishing and praying that their team will win. There will be inevitable disappointments! A healthy wish for something good and positive is always an important part of our spiritual journey. Clearly a wish must have boundaries but every wish bears the seed for improvement. Every wish points to our need for God. What is our wish for the remainder of this week and month? If we wish for a glimpse of God’s love for us, we will not be disappointed. If we wish for some courage, strength, hope, light, belief, forgiveness and healing, we will get some. A wish means a part of us wants to improve. Every wish is also a prayer and is never a lost opportunity.