Photo was taken yesterday at the Duhallow Pony Club Event Day in Green Glens, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)
The showers were fast and heavy but the show still had to go on! Marie Sheehan and Ciara Aherne were busy pleating their pony ‘Buddy’ before one of the many pony events taking place yesterday.
Thought on Friday – July – 13/07/2012
“Let me just get the feel of it”, my mother used to say when we cooked together; she would take the spoon and stir. She would know from the way the spoon felt in the mixture just how far we were from finished. Ten thousand spoons and ten thousand mixtures later, so do I! ~ Barbara Cawthorne Crafton
“Let me just get the feel of it”, are lovely words. They suggest that every moment is to be savoured and nurtured. They suggest that nothing stays the same and how we need to be flexible with the beat of life. So often we rush, race and are flying in every direction. We have so much to get done in limited time. We are going so fast that we miss the beauty of the present moment. There isn’t time to feel the moment and the loss is ours. It is also a sizeable loss. We miss out on so much simply because we’re going too fast to notice.
It would be great to justify our speed and our endless lists of things to do, if we could say that it was worth it all. But why are so many people unhappy, unsettled, tired, stressed, lacking energy and wishing that there was time to slow down? To get the feel for something needs time and only we can give it the time. Where can I slow down this weekend to get the feel for the present moment?