A beam of light runs up the floor of Newgrange as the shortest day of the year begins.

Thought on Friday – December – 21/12/2012

‘Light is good from whatever lamp it shines.’ ~Author Unknown

Today is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemishphere. Daylight is short, scarce and precious. Darkness seems to be the dominant force and for some overwhelming. This thought must have perplexed our great ancestors who lived over 5000 years ago, particularly up in Newgrange, Co.Meath. They wanted to mark the winter solstice in some way and knew that in the depths of great darkness there is a turning point. Their response was to build a long chamber to capture the first rays of sunlight at dawn on Dec 21st each year. These rays of sunlight penetrate some 50 feet into the inner chamber where the ashes of the dead were kept. It is an extraordinary construction that required painstaking and precise work.

Today has also huge spiritual significance. Every single one of us has our dark corners. On our own such darkness could overwhelm us. We need support, love, companionship, friendship, hope and light to guide us on our daily journey. At Christmas we mark the birth of Jesus who was the greatest and inspiring light. Christmas can be summed up in many ways but the invitation is to invite Jesus into our own struggles and darkness. Today Dec 21st reminds us that in the depths of darkness there is great hope. Christmas is a celebration of this hope. Without it we have absolutely nothing.