Photo was taken yesterday at Gougane Barra, West Cork (Irl)

Every river has a beginning somewhere. This is the River Lee as it flows down as a stream on the upper slopes of the forest park at Gougane Barra.

Thought on Tuesday – September – 17/09/2013

‘Rest is not a matter of doing absolutely nothing. Rest is repair.’ ~Daniel Josselyn

I had the privilege yesterday of taking Transition Year students from Col√°iste Choilm on retreat to Gougane Barra in West Cork. After high winds and showers early in the morning, the sun thankfully broke through to make for a lovely day. We sometimes underestimate the importance of time out and rest in our daily lives. Young people crave for it. A day of retreat gives them every chance, particularly with all phones strictly switched off. Rest is taking it easy for a while, giving ourselves and our bodies a chance to unwind and relax. It is during this time that our bodies repair, refresh and rejuvenate. Resting doesn’t necessarily mean doing nothing. Rest is slowing our pace, becoming less active and less tense. In a place as beautiful as Gougane Barra we rest our souls and we leave energised. If we look back on any given day it’s easy to see how we are often racing around getting things done. It’s as if there’s some big handout or bonus points if I get everything or as much as possible done today. Rest is God’s gift to each of us. It’s a gift that helps us appreciate more of what’s around us and helps us appreciate the gift of this present moment.