I took this photo Wednesday evening at Curabinny, looking across at Crosshaven

We are aware how the evenings are closing in so quickly now. Light is getting so scarce now. Even with many clouds and darkness closing in, there was a brief parting of the clouds to let in enough light to reflect off the water below

(All the bits and pieces here return as normal tomorrow Monday)


My Latest Video 🎥

This is my latest video and it is called ‘Crows in Song – United Together’.     A new video is posted here every Wednesday morning

The video below I had up last week and it is called – ‘A Circle Celebrates You’. If you would like to see a selection of my other videos on Youtube you can click this link here. https://www.youtube.com/@JamesMcSweeneyFr/videos

Thought For The Week

‘Come out of the circle of time and into the circle of love.’ ~Rumi

 We are surrounded by circles but of course we take them for granted. Our universe and our planet earth rotate in circles. The sun and the moon are circular in shape. Our ancestors built beautiful monuments in circular shapes from Stonehenge to Newgrange. Whether it is a ring, a coin or an orange, circles are never too far from us.

A circle is safe, gentle and its beautiful shape lends to calmness, peacefulness, and relaxation. The circle stands for totality, the infinite, timelessness and God whose centre is everywhere. The circle will always represent our journeys from beginning to end.

 While a circle may have no sides, don’t forget it has an inner side and an outer side. Our world puts the focus on externals and on the outer side. But it’s what is inside that is most important, especially love, kindness, peace and goodness.  You have all these within you which means a circle is always a celebration of the beautiful you.

You are invited to step into God’s circle of love. It is a good place and a safe place. The beauty of a spiritual circle is that it’s easy to step in or step out. All of our Christian tradition and the stories of our ancestors would indicate that the best and safest place to be is within the circle, where there is always healing, growth and love.

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday