I took this photo yesterday morning at 9a.m. near Carrigaline Park, Co.Cork (Irl)

After Storm Ashley on Sunday, it was such a welcome to see beautiful sunshine yesterday, blue skies and beautiful autumn colours

On This Day

On October 22nd 2010 WikiLeaks, a website founded by Julian Assange, released thousands of U.S. documents relating to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

On October 22nd 2019 the UK parliament approved a Brexit deal to leave the EU but rejected legislation to fast-track it to meet the October 31 deadline

Birthdays Today

Arsene Wenger (Former Arsenal Manager) is 75

Niall ‘Bressie’ Breslin (Irish singer) is 44

Significance of This Week

This week all the way to Halloween, is the Seed Gathering Season. It is a time to collect and store different seeds until they will be used next year. It’s a vibrant celebration where gardeners, farmers and communities come together to collect seeds from local trees, flowers, and fruits. This activity fosters a connection with nature, and encourages people to explore their surroundings and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

Quote For Today

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.” ~Thomas A Edison

Did You Know

Did you know that our sharpest memories are from early adulthood? We remember more events from our twenties than from any other time!

My Latest Video 🎥

This is my latest video and it is called ‘Crows in Song – United Together’.     A new video is posted here every Wednesday morning

The video below I had up last week and it is called – ‘A Circle Celebrates You’. If you would like to see a selection of my other videos on Youtube you can click this link here. https://www.youtube.com/@JamesMcSweeneyFr/videos

Thought For The Week

There is a story about two men walking down a country lane and across some fields. One of them forgot to close one of the gates. After seeing some cows, he realized his mistake and walked back to close it. He said it reminded him about the words an old man shared with him many years before, “As you travel down life’s pathways, remember to close the gates behind you.”

Such advice is one we could also keep close. Life is never straight forward and there are many attractions, distractions, obstacles and challenges. We sometimes make mistakes, we could have made better choices and we sometimes regret not having done something completely different.

But we shouldn’t allow these to dominate or take over our lives. That is why it is so important to close the gate and simply move on. What gates in my life have I still left open? Can I close them, move on, knowing there is no need to reopen and go back.

Jesus in our Gospel stories closed many gates for people who were stuck in the past. By closing these gates he also invited them to move forward and to cherish each day as a fresh start and a new beginning.

We have just celebrated Mission Sunday. It is a celebration of so much good work done all over the world. It is a celebration of how the story of Jesus has been shared all over the world. How this story is shared has evolved over many years. Some gates are closing with the shortage of priests, sisters and dedicated missionaries. But definitely other new gates are opening and evolving. Mission Sunday is also a celebration of these new green shoots.

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday