Photo was taken at Borough Food Market, London (Irl)

This huge bowl of rice was particularly eye catching at Borough Food Market and even better again near it were the delicious smells!

Thought on Sunday – May – 17/05/2015

‘God has given us the power to create beauty, to make another smile, to be a healing presence in someone’s sorrow, to bring justice to the oppressed, to console those in difficulty, to bring peace and joy to others, to help those in need, to laugh and enjoy life, to do good and turn from evil, to forgive those who have hurt us, and, most of all, to love.’ ~Iris Perez

Thought For Today by Jane Mellett

The fear experienced by the women and the disciples at the end of the Gospel of Mark shows us that even when we have profound spiritual experiences, fear can often force us into silence. The account of the ascension in Mark which we read today urges us not to be afraid but to go out. The Gospel of Mark is a Gospel for hard times, for those who are struggling. This ending aims to empower us and give us courage even when the world around us tells us otherwise. It urges us to ‘Go’ and tell.

The disciples ‘went out’; bringing good news everywhere. We too are called to be Easter People because we live with an assurance that pain, death and grief will not have the last word and we dare to shine the light of hope and wholeness into the empty tomb. Where have you encountered Easter People in your own life? How do you communicate this risen Jesus to others? How can we be Easter People to others? This is the challenge of the Gospel today. To bring Christ’s love and assurance to all we meet.