Photo was taken on Friday at Bantry, Co.Cork (Irl)

I repeat this photo today with the add on little thought that at all times we experience days when we wilt, collapse, fall or fold over sometimes with worry, stress, exhaustion and other overwhelming personal stuff. It can be a difficult place to be. But there is always help at hand, there is always support, always someone we can turn to. We are not on our own. It is this love and support that helps us to stand tall again, to find renewed strength and energy and to find ourselves again.

These daffodils collapsed during the bitterly cold weather last week. Their spirit had given up. Their beauty, colour and energy just simply collapsed. But during the last few days in milder weather, bit by bit, they found renewed energy and strength, to stand upright again.

Thought on Sunday – March – 11/03/2018

Thought For The Week

‘A Christian needs to balance the heavy and the light, like a kite that feels both the string tugging it to the earth and the wind lifting it off towards the stars. Some of us though, are so grim about our relationship with God that our religion becomes a deadly serious, white knuckled and humourless project’ ~Albert Holtz

The only story all week has been the weather, the snow, the ‘Beast from the East’, storm Emma, the red weather alert and difficulty in finding a loaf of bread! So many warnings were issued, many photos were shared and for a whole lot of our younger generation it was the first time they have seen snow and got a chance to play in it.

In years to come the conversation will be: ‘do you remember when we got all the snow in March 2018?’ Our memories of snow are very few given that our winter weather has gone so mild in recent years. The snow certainly has brought some balance back in.

Lent is a great time of year to bring some balance back into our spiritual lives. Sometimes we are lob-sided, out of balance, lacking in spirituality and sometimes too much of it. There are lots of examples: busyness versus time out, stress versus relaxation, giving out versus praise, complaining versus thanks, controlling versus gentleness, anger versus calm, couldn’t be bothered versus time for prayer. There are many more examples but Lent provides plenty of time and opportunities to reflect on where balance may be lacking in our lives. Thankfully getting back into balance is possible, sometimes we just need the shove!

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday with a new photograph each day