Photo was taken at Bantry, West Cork (Irl)

There was a lovely early morning skyline during the week looking out across Bantry Bay in the direction of Whiddy Island

Thought on Wednesday – December – 02/12/2020

Thought For The Week

‘Sometimes it is only when the fragility of life is laid bare that we manage to get our priorities in order.’ ~Triona Doherty

Last Sunday marked the beginning of our journey through Advent. Advent is from the Latin word ‘Adventus’ meaning arrival. It is a time of waiting for the arrival of Christmas. Christmas 2020 as we all know is going to be very different from any other year. The past year has been difficult and extremely challenging for all of us. For some it has been the toughest year of their lives. While the restrictions will ease coming closer to Christmas we know that there are clear limits to these.

Despite the limits that will be around this Christmas we know that everyone is looking forward to quiet time, down time and relaxing time. Not only do we hope to recharge physically but also spiritually and mentally too. Advent is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness which is another reason why Advent 2020 takes on a whole new meaning. It is a beautiful season but often gets pushed to the side lines because we have more pressing priorities.

As life causes us to rush and race we know that there is another part of life that is waiting to be discovered. This other part often comes in small packages like quiet time, prayer, counting our blessings, listing our priorities and finding hope in the midst of darkness and doubts.

Advent is never forced but always invites. We are invited to personalise the coming weeks. What is the biggest darkness in my life at the moment? Who or what might bring me a sense of light and hope in my life? Advent allows us to hold deeper questions and to find the beginning of some answers as we journey towards Christmas.

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday