Today we celebrate Candlemas Day. It is also a day to celebrate your light and the difference your light makes each day.

I have made a video to mark Candlemas Day today. The link is….

Thought on Tuesday – February – 02/02/2021

Today (Feb 2nd) we celebrate Candlemass day. Candles will be blessed in churches on this day and these candles will be used at lots of different liturgical celebrations during the coming year. It is a day that is rich in meaning and symbolism. We currently live in a world that is dominated by the darkness of Covid 19.

We believe that the light of Christ is powerful and strong enough to wipe out darkness. This light knows no limits or boundaries. It’s a light that is never forced but when we choose to be open to this light, great things begin to happen. On Candlemass day we invite this light into our lives, into our darker corners and wherever such light is most needed at the moment.